Sep 01,2022

2nd Generation Ethanol Plant | Panipat | Haryana ..

PM Sh Narendra Modi Ji dedicates 2nd Generation Ethanol Plant in Panipat -Haryana to the nation.

Sep 01,2022

World Biofuel Day ..

Consistent with PM Sh Narendra Modi Ji’s vision of Ethanol based mobility as one of the pathways towards Carbon Neutrality ..

Aug 10,2022

Union Minister Hardeep Singh Puri speaks at inauguration of 2G biofuel Plant in Panipat ..

Union Minister Hardeep Singh Puri speaks at inauguration of 2G biofuel Plant in Panipat

Jul 18,2022

Union Minister | Hardeep Singh Puri | Addresses a Press Conference to Launch ‘PMSVANidhi Mahotsav’ ..

Union Minister | Hardeep Singh Puri | Addresses a Press Conference to Launch ‘PMSVANidhi Mahotsav’

Jul 16,2022

Union Minister Hardeep Singh Puri virtually dedicates 166 CNG stations across 14 states ..

Union Minister Hardeep Singh Puri virtually dedicates 166 CNG stations across 14 states

Jul 12,2022

Hardeep Puri on Central VISTA CPWD 12 July 2020 ..

Hardeep Puri on Central VISTA CPWD 12 July 2020

Dec 28,2021

Real Estate is second-largest employer in country: Hardeep Singh Puri ..

Addressing the ‘Real Estate Summit- 2021’ at Convention Centre in Jammu

Nov 11,2021

Nationalising Air India was a 'Chakravarty class murkhata' decision ..

National carrier Air India was a loss-making company and the decision was between disinvestment and closing down the airline ..

Dec 29,2020 Statements

Hardeep Singh Puri Says ' Travel Ban on Flights from UK likely to be extended' ..

Union Civil Aviation Minister Hardeep Singh Puri on December 29 said that he foresees a

Sep 15,2020 Statements

Air India must be privatised or it will close down: Hardeep Singh Puri ..

Union Civil Aviation Minister Hardeep Singh Puri stated that the National carrier Air India must be privatized or it will ..

Apr 17,2020 Statements

What Hardeep Singh Puri Said On New Building Of Parliament ..

Urban Development Minister Hardeep Singh Puri said government is inviting designs for new Parliament building.

Oct 31,2019 Speech

Hardeep Singh Puri on Artical 370 ..

Hardeep Singh Puri is an Indian politician, a former diplomat who is the current Civil Aviation Minister of India and ..

Feb 11,2017 Speech

India and the Western Liberal Democratic Order (Part A) ..

I deem it a great privilege to be able to interact with you this afternoon. There is unmistakable turbulence ..

Feb 11,2017 Speech

India and the Western Liberal Democratic Order (Part – B) ..

It is a sign of the troubled times we live in that what we add to the Lexicon is terms ..

Feb 11,2017 Speech

India and the Western Liberal Democratic Order : Trump and turbulence (Part C) ..

Successive Indian governments have invested, some more heavily than others, in seeking greater strategic content in relations with the United ..

May 15,2016 Speech

Farewell remarks by Warren Hoge, Senior Adviser for External Relations, International Peace Institute ..

Hardeep hosts 777 Club for the last time at IPI.

Dec 14,2015 Speech

The UN at 70: Its relevance for India and the world ..

The Charter of the United Nations came into force on October 24, 1945. India was among its founding members. ..

Dec 05,2015 Speech

Is the UN at 70 fit for purpose? Some Reflections .. Text of my Speech at ORF today ..

The seventieth anniversary is an important milestone in the life of any organization. The coming months will also see the ..

May 09,2014 Speech

Foreign Policy challenges for the new Government ..

Less than 72 hours from now, the last phase of polling in the world’s largest democracy will conclude. Nearly ..

Apr 17,2014 Speech

Demographic dividend or toxic time bomb ..

I propose, with your permission, to focus on the youth, a subject which has fascinated me since my own youth ..

Mar 10,2014 Speech

My Vision for 2020 ..

The subject you have chosen: India 2020 – Vision for Financial Sector is important and a discussion on this timely.

Mar 10,2014 Speech

India-US Relations at the Cross-roads? ..

The fact that our bilateral relationship with the United States is important is a given. The US is the ..